Living Under A Rock

Still Death, Bull Creek, Austin

I read Kirk Tuck’s post on The Online Photographer today in which he described his experiences writing what sounded to be the perfect photography blog, The Visual Science Lab. By perfect I mean that it is exactly the kind of blog that I want to read where gear comes second to the process and inspiration for making photographs. So I followed the link and started to scan the page.

I must have been living under the proverbial rock! Not only is it indeed the kind of blog that I want to read but the man lives in my town. Today’s post on using the Nikon V1 is illustrated with images from the 5th and Lamar neighborhood that I work in, and his text is litered with references to places and events I know.

Kirk Tuck likes the V1 too and that makes me feel smarter for sticking up for it. It’s hard not to like someone that makes you feel smarter :-)

The Visual Science Lab will join The Online Photographer as part of my daily fare.


  1. kirk tuck:

    Thanks! And welcome. If you see me out and around town with the V1 don’t hesitate to say “hi.” We can compare notes about our fun camera.

    Best, Kirk

  2. Mike:

    I’ll most likely be carrying a GF1 if we do meet around the downtown area. Maybe I’ll catch one of your talks at the Austin Photo Expo.