Voluminous Images

Log Bridge, Colorado River

It is better to present one Image in a lifetime
than to produce voluminous works – Ezra Pound

I came across this Ezra Pound quote while reading The Discovery of Poetry by Frances Mayes, better known as the author of Under The Tuscan Sun but a teacher of poetry before adopting a run down Italian villa. Pound was speaking of verbal images but I naturally thought of photographs and how it would be would be clever and cultured of me to reference it in my blog. However, reading it again this evening my slow intellect has caught up with my pretentiousness and the potential irony is now obvious – better one perfect photograph than a web site full of mediocrity. I have a lot more than one photograph on this site so it seems that I am much more likely to be erring on the side of volume; never mind the quality, feel the width (to quote a cheap taylor).

Meanwhile, the web site image count increases as my love affair with Adobe Lightroom continues and I unearth more overlooked images from years past. Dating from 2003, this log across the upper reaches of the Colorado River in Rocky Mountain National Park, is one of those discoveries. You be the judge of whether it is a worthy addition or just more unnecessary padding; I was never much good at editing myself whether pictorially or verbally.