Snail track

Snail track in fallen leaves

Snail track in fallen leaves

I see color before I see form or content; it was the yellow of the larger leaves that brought me to them, but it was their form that keeps me looking still. And while I look at the form I see the content and ponder it.

A wonder is so farre aboue our wit,
That Angels stand amaz’d to muse on it.

William Drummond of Hawthornden


  1. Michael Paulison:

    I really like the tones in this image very much. Very well done!

  2. Photo Commons:

    Hello Victor; your photo to chosen for blog Photo Commons by its quality and to share it under license Creative Commons. We respect the license that you chose and we connected to your blog so that but people can enjoy your photography. Congratulations and thank you very much A greeting

  3. Photographers Australia:

    Some o0f these photos are fantastic! I so much prefer a photoblog to a regular blog but I’ve always been a pictures kind of person I guess. Keep on posting :)